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Yes to long woolen coats, wide legged trousers and this season’s winner: velvet! See what Esprit items I selected for you this time to get your comfort on.

Velvet. It looks and feels like a million dollars. This jacket comes in a stunning coral red color. But in case you’re more into sandy tones, it’s available in beige as well. You might never want to take it off.

In case you are able to distance yourself from velvet for a minute: think the longer the better. Coats that almost reach you’re ankles are a go. Not just by the looks of it, but also because it just feels like wearing a fancy blanket. The wide legged trousers underneath create that little extra, and – we’re here for it – it’s oh so comfortable!

But my loves, comfort is not just clothes. It’s music, warmth and relaxation too. So after you did your little fashion walk outdoors, go inside, grab a tea or coffee, play some vinyl. And relax. You have time!