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In this Celmatique Backstage video I’m taking you on a fabric shopping journey at the most crowded and local market in Accra: Makola.

One of the most beautiful things with fashion is the way its made. Well, not always, since we’re surrounded by fast fashion all the time. Qualitative clothing is like treasures these days. Nevertheless you can find them if you put some effort into it. That’s the thing with fashion. If you want something that lasts for a life time, don’t expect it to be made on a massive scale for a low price.

Heaven must be colorful
I know Africa has a long history with handcrafting goods and the way they turn their fabrics into something beautiful. And since I’m a diehard fan of the Vlisco fabrics for years, I wanted to take you all with me while buying one. Believe me when I say it’s sooooo hard to choose from all those prints! Heaven is where the fabrics are.

Even though our knees we’re sweating, Valene and I took ourselves on this little adventure, seeking for the good stuff. Watch the full video below! Oh, and btw, remember to subscribe. There will be a follow up on this video so you don’t wanna miss out!