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Every month we feature someone for Celmatique Style.
This month I’m happy to introduce you to stunner Marta | @thestylethesaurus

Hi Marta! What’s your age?

I’m 24 years old


Manchester, England

So what does fashion mean to you?

Fashion is life , its the way even the quietest people choose to express themselves and that for me is really awesome.

You were born in Angola but moved to the UK. Do your roots inspire you in any way when it comes to your personal style?

Not necessarily. I am inspired by various cultures and locations. It just depends on how I feel in that moment in time.

The best compliment anyone ever gave to you about the clothes you were wearing:

You should be on a catwalk!

How do you feel about the fast fashion industry?

I think its a little bit daunting and exciting at the same time .

Your all time favorite outfit is:

Flares and off shoulder tops/dresses. But denim is my absolute go to outfit!

What do you think of today’s fashion and what does it say about our daily lives?

I think many tend to follow the crowd and maybe, just maybe forget who they truly are for the sake of wearing what they believe is in fashion. And my opinion, that will just make you look like everyone else. On the other hand, I feel fashion today is really allowing people to think more outside the box, being more creative. Which is of course AMAZING!

Do you feel your personality matches with your clothing style? Why?

Yes definitely. The way I dress depends on the way I feel at that moment. I think when you get to know me, you will figure out why.

What or who inspires you the most?

People who are hard workers really inspire me. As a young person, it’s really hard to go out there and achieve your goals without doubting yourself. Despite all the doubts, someone who carries on giving a 100% is just beautiful to me. I don’t want to name any names, but when I watch real life stories portrayed in a film, it get’s to me. When someone struggled so much and overcame it. Thats always inspiring to me!

Last but lot least, why do you think you’ve been approached for Celmatique Style?

I’d like to think I am unique